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Getting Started

Register a MBean

Annotate your class with the @MBean annotation.

public class Person

Create an instance of your class and register it.

public static void main(String[] args)
  Person person = new Person();

The program above will register and export the given person object as an MBean:


Adding Attributes

To export fields of a class as MBean attribute simple annotate it as @MAttribute

public class Person
  private String firstName = "Reto";

The field is then available as read only attribute in the MBean:


Writable Attributes

To make a MBean writable set the MAttribute parameter isWritable to true:

public class Person
  private String firstName = "Reto";

Now the MBean attribute can be changed. Changing the attribute in the MBean will also change the value of the field in the person object:

Writable MAttribute

Adding Operations

To export a method of a class as a MBean operation simple annotate it with @MOperation

public class Person
  private String firstName = "Reto";

  private void print()

The operation of the MBean can now be executed and the annotated method will be called:


EL Like Expressions

To export more than one object of the same class as MBean the object’s name must be unique. Use EL like expressions to give each object a unique name:

public class Person
  private String firstName;

  public Person(String firstName)
    this.firstName = firstName;

Create two different Person objects with different first names and register them as MBeans:

public static void main(String[] args)
  Person reto = new Person("Reto");

  Person flavio = new Person("Flavio");

There are now two MBean with different names registered:

El like expressions

Enhanced Example

The following enhanced example uses some advanced annotations:

  • The @MInclude annotation can be used to add attributes and operations that are declared on an other class to the current MBean.
  • The @MCompositionReference can be used to reference another MBean that is also registered/unregistered if the current MBean is registered/unregistered.
  • The @MSizeAttribute can be used to add an attribute that contains the size of a List or Map or the length of a String.
@MBean(value = "GettingStarted:type=Person,name=#{firstName}", description = "This is #{firstName} #{name} living in #{}")
public class Person
  private String firstName;

  @MAttribute(name = "lastName", description = "Last name of the person", isWritable = true)
  private String name;

  // The @MInclude annotation can be used to add attributes and operations that are declared on an other class to the current MBean.
  private Age age;

  // The @MCompositionReference can be used to reference another MBean that is also registered/unregistered if the current MBean is registered/unregistered.
  @MCompositionReference(concatName = true)
  private Address home;

  // The @MSizeAttribute can be used to add an attribute that contains the size of a List or Map or the length of a String.
  @MSizeAttribute(name = "numberOfChildren")
  private List<Child>; children;

  public Person(String firstName, String name, Age age, Address home, List<Child> children)
    this.firstName = firstName; = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.home = home;
    this.children = children;

  @MAttribute(description = "First name of the person", isWritable = true)
  public String getFirstName()
    return firstName;

  public void setFirstName(String firstName)
    this.firstName = firstName;

  @MOperation(description = "Prints the firstName and lastName to system out", impact = Impact.INFO)
  public void print()
    System.out.print(" ");

  public static void main(String[] args)
    PersonRegistry registry = new PersonRegistry();
    Person reto = new Person("Reto", "Weiss", new Age(LocalDate.of(1972, 6, 10)),
            new Address("Home", "Baarerstrasse 12", 6300, "Zug", "Switzerland"),
            Arrays.asList(new Child("Anna", 2001), new Child("Toni", 2003), new Child("Gisela", 2007)));

    Person flavio = new Person("Flavio", "Sadeghi", new Age(LocalDate.of(1986, 7, 23)),
            new Address("Business", "Baarerstrasse 12", 6300, "Zug", "Switzerland"),
            Arrays.asList(new Child("Mirco", 2013)));

public class Age
  private LocalDate birthday;

  public Age(LocalDate birthday)
    this.birthday = birthday;

  @MAttribute(description = "Age in years of the person")
  public int getAge()
    return birthday.until(;
@MBean(value = "address=#{type}", description = "A postal address")
public class Address
  private String type;
  private String street;
  private int zip;
  private String city;
  private String country;

  public Address(String type, String street, int zip, String city, String country)
    this.type = type;
    this.street = street; = zip; = city; = country;

The MCollections class provides methods to convert collections to managed collections. A managed collection automatically registers MBeans that are added to the collection and unregisters them if they are removed.

public class PersonRegistry
  // Every person put to these collection will be registered as MBean!
  private Map<String, Person> persons = MCollections.managedMap(new HashMap<>());

  public void addPerson(Person person)
    persons.put(person.getFirstName(), person);
  • The annotation @MComposite declares a complex attribute type.
  • The @MItem annotation is used to add properties to the complex type.
// The annotation @MComposite declares a complex attribute type
public class Child
  // The @MItem annotation is used to add properties to the complex type.
  @MItem(description = "Name of the child")
  private String name;
  @MItem(description = "Year of birth of the child")
  private int yearOfBirth;

  public Child(String name, int yearOfBirth)
  { = name;
    this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth;

The example will create the following MBeans:

