Full name:
Command line invocation is supported. E.g.
mvn com.axonivy.ivy.ci:project-build-plugin:7.1.0:deploy-to-engine -Divy.deploy.file=myProject.iar -Divy.deploy.engine.dir=c:/axonivy/engine -Divy.deploy.engine.app=Portal
Name | Type | Since | Description |
ivyVersion | String | 7.1.0 | The ivy Engine version or version-range that must be used. Must be
Default value is: 7.1.0. User property is: ivy.engine.version. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
deployConfigCleanup | String | 7.1.0 | Controls whether all configurations (global variables, external
database, web services, REST clients) should be cleaned.
Possible values:
Default value is: DISABLED. User property is: ivy.deploy.configuration.cleanup. |
deployConfigOverwrite | boolean | 7.1.0 | If set to true then configurations (global variables,
external database, web services, REST clients) defined in the
deployed projects overwrite the configurations that are already
configured on the engine. Default value is: false. User property is: ivy.deploy.configuration.overwrite. |
deployDirectory | String | 7.1.0 | The auto deployment directory of the engine. Must match the ivy
engine system property 'deployment.directory' Default value is: deploy. User property is: ivy.deploy.dir. |
deployEngineDirectory | File | 7.1.0 | The path to the AXON.IVY Engine to which we deploy the file. The path can reference a remote engine by using UNC paths e.g. \\myRemoteHost\myEngineShare Default value is: ${ivy.engine.directory}. User property is: ivy.deploy.engine.dir. |
deployFile | File | 7.1.0 | The file to deploy. Can either be a *.iar project file or a *.zip
file containing a full application (set of projects). By default
the packed IAR from the IarPackagingMojo.GOAL is used. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.iar. User property is: ivy.deploy.file. |
deployOptionsFile | File | 7.1.0 | The file that contains deployment options. Example options file content: deployTestUsers: true configuration: overwrite: true cleanup: REMOVE_UNUSED target: version: RELEASED state: ACTIVE_AND_RELEASED Inside the options file you can use property placeholders. The options file may look like this: deployTestUsers: ${ivy.deploy.test.users} configuration: overwrite: true cleanup: REMOVE_UNUSED target: version: AUTO state: ${ivy.deploy.target.state} All options in this file are optional. You only need to specify options that overwrite the default behavior. If configured, all Maven properties are ignored and only values in this file are used. User property is: ivy.deploy.options.file. |
deployTargetFileFormat | String | 7.1.0 | The target file format as which the project will be deployed into
the process model version (PMV).
Default value is: AUTO. User property is: ivy.deploy.target.file.format. |
deployTargetState | String | 7.1.0 | The target state of all process model versions (PMVs) of the
deployed projects.
Default value is: ACTIVE_AND_RELEASED. User property is: ivy.deploy.target.state. |
deployTargetVersion | String | 7.1.0 | The target version controls on which process model version (PMV) a
project is re-deployed.
Possible values:
Default value is: AUTO. User property is: ivy.deploy.target.version. |
deployTestUsers | boolean | 7.1.0 | If set to true then test users defined in the projects
are deployed to the engine. Only works if the current security
system allows to create users. Should only be used for testing. Default value is: false. User property is: ivy.deploy.test.users. |
deployTimeoutInSeconds | Integer | 7.1.0 | The maximum amount of seconds that we wait for a deployment result
from the engine Default value is: 30. User property is: ivy.deploy.timeout.seconds. |
deployToEngineApplication | String | 7.1.0 | The name of an ivy application to which the file is deployed. Default value is: SYSTEM. User property is: ivy.deploy.engine.app. |
engineCacheDirectory | File | 7.1.0 | Location where ivy engines in required version can be extracted to.
If the Engine does not yet exist, it can be automatically downloaded. Default value is: ${settings.localRepository}/.cache/ivy. User property is: ivy.engine.cache.directory. |
engineDirectory | File | 7.1.0 | Location where an unpacked (may pre-configured) ivy Engine in the
required version exists.
If parameter is not set it will be a sub-directory of the engineCacheDirectory. If the Engine does not yet exist, it can be automatically downloaded. User property is: ivy.engine.directory. |
skipDeploy | boolean | 7.1.0 | Set to true to skip the deployment to the engine. Default value is: false. User property is: ivy.deploy.skip. |
Possible values:
deployTestUsers: true configuration: overwrite: true cleanup: REMOVE_UNUSED target: version: RELEASED state: ACTIVE_AND_RELEASED
Inside the options file you can use property placeholders. The options file may look like this:
deployTestUsers: ${ivy.deploy.test.users} configuration: overwrite: true cleanup: REMOVE_UNUSED target: version: AUTO state: ${ivy.deploy.target.state}
All options in this file are optional. You only need to specify options that overwrite the default behavior.
If configured, all Maven properties are ignored and only values in this file are used.
Possible values:
If the Engine does not yet exist, it can be automatically downloaded.
If parameter is not set it will be a sub-directory of the engineCacheDirectory.
If the Engine does not yet exist, it can be automatically downloaded.