Full name:
Command line invocation is supported. E.g.
mvn com.axonivy.ivy.ci:project-build-plugin:6.1.0-SNAPSHOT:deploy-iar -Divy.deploy.iarFile=myProject.iar -Divy.deploy.engine.dir=c:/axonviy/engine -Divy.deploy.engine.app=Portal
Name | Type | Since | Description |
ivyVersion | String | 6.1.0 | The ivy Engine version that is used. Must be equal or higher than
MINIMAL_COMPATIBLE_VERSION Default value is: 6.1.0. User property is: ivy.engine.version. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
deployDirectory | String | 6.1.0 | The auto deployment directory of the engine. Must match the ivy
engine system property 'deployment.directory' Default value is: deploy. User property is: ivy.deploy.dir. |
deployEngineDirectory | File | 6.1.0 | The path to the AXON.IVY Engine to which we deploy the IAR. The path can reference a remote engine by using UNC paths e.g. \\myRemoteHost\myEngineShare Default value is: ${ivy.engine.directory}. User property is: ivy.deploy.engine.dir. |
deployIarFile | File | 6.1.0 | The IAR to deploy. By default the packed IAR from the
IarPackagingMojo.GOAL is used. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.iar. User property is: ivy.deploy.iarFile. |
deployTimeoutInSeconds | Integer | 6.1.0 | The maximum amount of seconds that we wait for a deployment result
from the engine Default value is: 30. User property is: ivy.deploy.timeout.seconds. |
deployToEngineApplication | String | 6.1.0 | The name of an ivy application to which the IAR is deployed. Default value is: SYSTEM. User property is: ivy.deploy.engine.app. |
engineCacheDirectory | File | 6.1.0 | Location where ivy engines in required version can be extracted to.
If the Engine does not yet exist, it can be automatically downloaded. Default value is: ${settings.localRepository}/.cache/ivy. User property is: ivy.engine.cache.directory. |
engineDirectory | File | 6.1.0 | Location where an unpacked (may pre-configured) ivy Engine in the
required version exists.
If parameter is not set it will be a sub-directory of the engineCacheDirectory. If the Engine does not yet exist, it can be automatically downloaded. User property is: ivy.engine.directory. |
If the Engine does not yet exist, it can be automatically downloaded.
If parameter is not set it will be a sub-directory of the engineCacheDirectory.
If the Engine does not yet exist, it can be automatically downloaded.